The ongoing drama between Nollywood Actress Lilian Afegbai, Tonto Dikeh and former reality star Gifty appears to have peaked as Lilian has just replied Both Tonto and Gifty following their epic shade on social media.
Gifty Powers who felt offended by her post wrote:
”Some people are just meant to be useless forever. You condemn a pic I posted on IG, which I wasn’t bothered cuz MADDNESS NO GET SIZE. Now, you posted a pic and said you can never do body surgery, my dear jst kukuma say that you can not afford the fee
… and that you are just managing your life. Besides what do you expect from someone who stands and begs for champagne in the club during the BBN finals celebration, hehe… She’s loco..”
Tonto Dikeh then offered to give Gifty an iPhone X or anything worth one million naira due to her comments.
Well, here is how Lilian reacted;
Source: News Agencies