Juliet Ibrahim Advises ladies On Cheating Men


Juliet Ibrahim makes blunt and controversial statements on Instagram.

Today, she is advising women to dump their cheating men and date their fathers.

See her post below:


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Ladies, if your man cheating on you; dump him and date his father. Make that nigga your step son. ? #adviceofthecentury #lol

A post shared by Juliet Ibrahim (@julietibrahim) on Sep 17, 2018 at 3:23am PDT

If you follow Juliet Ibrahim closely on Instagram you should be used to the fact that she shares a lot of advice on her page especially when it has to do with relationships.

Just maybe, Juliet is gradually becoming a relationship expert, who knows.

Recently, Juliet made a post on her Instagram page suggesting that men have to pay their girlfriends whenever they have sex with them because in her own words, “Nothing in this world is for free”.