A Nigerian writer identified as Solomon Buchi who is also a motivational speaker has stirred up controversy after he claimed that Jesus is a feminist.
According to the young man, he strongly believes that Christianity (the teachings of Jesus not Paul or any disciple) and feminism in its true essence are compatible.
I know the caption of this article looks like an oxymoron but I strongly believe that Christianity(the teachings of Jesus not Paul or any disciple) and feminism in its true essence are compatible.
Just for some ignorant folks, feminism is the concept of gender equality and no form of social, economic or even religious restriction based on gender.
Let me start with the creation of man, because many enablers of patriarchy argue that man was created first, and was created in the image of God, and the woman was created out of man.
Flawed logic. Fishes and animals were created before man. Are fishes and animals superior to man?
Also, woman was created just same time with a man. She was just formed later.
Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
He created Him in his own; male and female.
That’s the first point to buttress that a woman isn’t a second class human; equality of worth.
Now, talking about Jesus Christ. A very good scenario is when they wanted to stone the adulterous woman. In the Jewish tradition, a woman is stoned to death if caught in adultery but nothing happens to the man. This is pure patriarchy.
Now what did Jesus do?
He asked them, and I paraphrase in relatable terms: “Let any of you who haven’t committed adultery before be the first to stone her..”
And they left one by one.
That was a very practical example of Jesus frowning at male hypocrisy. Using different scales to judge both gender. He expects that what a man can do and go scout free, a woman too should pass.
I’ll continue this article in the second series because IG word limit got me. In that article I’ll be explaining why Jesus had 12 disciples who were all men because that is a dicey matter of controversy.
Before I end, ponder on this Bible passage:
Galatians 3:28 King James Version (KJV)
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus., he said.