Italian President Sergio Mattarella Charges Ex-IMF Economist To Form A Government Amid Political Crisis



Italian President Sergio Mattarella has asked a former IMF economist to form a government as the country faces fresh political turmoil. Carlo Cottarelli became known as “Mr Scissors” for his cuts to public spending in Italy.

His appointment came after efforts by Italy’s two populist parties to form a coalition government collapsed. But the move is widely seen as a temporary measure with new elections likely. Italy, the eurozone’s fourth-biggest economy, has been without a government since elections in March because no political group can form a majority.

Two of the big winners from the vote – Five Star and the League – attempted to join forces but abandoned efforts after the president vetoed their choice of finance minister. The rare move by the president sparked fury from both parties who say they will reject Mr. Cottarelli’s nomination in parliament. If that happens, Mr Cottarelli says he will resign and early elections will be held after August.





Credit: BBC