Indonesia post-election protests leave six dead in Jakarta


Six people have been killed and 200 injured during mass rallies in Jakarta against the re-election of Indonesian President Joko Widodo.


Indonesian police confirmed the death toll based on reports from hospitals. They said the cause of the deaths was being investigated.


The national police chief has denied his officers used live ammunition.


Social media has been restricted in some areas to stop rumours spreading.


“Some had gunshot wounds, some had blunt force wounds but we still need to clarify this,” national police chief Tito Karnavian said, referring to the six dead, who are believed to have been killed overnight.


The authorities have said the protests were planned and “not spontaneous”. They have suggested that a group of provocateurs may have been responsible for the violence.


“A majority of the protesters came from outside of Jakarta,” said Muhammed Iqbal, a police spokesman.


Protesters gathered again in the city on Wednesday.


President Widodo has promised firm action against rioters.


“I open myself to anyone to work together to build and develop this nation, but I won’t tolerate anyone who tries to disrupt public security, the democratic process or the unity of our… country,” the president said at a press briefing.


Protests in the capital Jakarta began peacefully on Tuesday but soon turned violent, with cars set on fire and firecrackers thrown at police.


Police in riot gear fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.


The protests erupted after election results showed Mr Widodo had beaten his long-time rival Prabowo Subianto.