Little or nothing is known about a certain girl named Maame Afiba Bessa, who says she’s an aspiring cardiologist and a humanitarian until she tweeted a daring summation on her wall concerning relationship.
As soon as her tweet came up, torrents of comments began to flood in with varying reactions and most were not so friendly.
Most, in a fit of anger, said she would never get married. Others called her grim names not fit for publication. However, Potpourri decided to dig into her background and found out that she has a medical condition that may be interfering with her show of affection, love and trust.
She continued :
“I did not have an easy childhood growing up and for people closest to me I have always opened up about that. I’ve always had this fear factor in life , so much so that when things were going right in my life, I was ready for bad things to happen because I always have this mental picture that whatever was going right in my life won’t last. I will worry daily about something I thought will happen, beat myself about it and cry over it.
“I will isolate myself from people who loved me sometimes and get angry at the least thing because behind closed doors, I was battling this thing that I knew existed but was too ashamed to admit or talk about. For many years, it had such a negative impact over my livelihood,” she added.
It is often said that a book should not be judged by its cover. This Ghanaian girl who lives in Barcelona, Spain, is a classic case.