How To Stay Hydrated During This Hot Weather


We are now settling into what is typically the hottest time of the year. As temperatures rise, it is important to not only stay cool, but also to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

More than 70 percent of the human body is made of water. Fluids keep our organs running, cushion our joints and make sure oxygen is getting to the body’s cells. Dehydration happens when a body does not have enough fluids to perform those essential functions. While people can become dehydrated due to illness, I want to focus on how the body reacts during hot, humid weather.

People working or exercising outside when the temperatures rise are the most at risk of becoming dehydrated or suffering from another heat-related illness. When the air is humid, sweat cannot evaporate as easily from your skin. Sweat cools your body and when you are unable to sweat, your body temperature rises. That combination means your body needs even more fluid to function properly.

The most common signs of dehydration are extreme thirst, fatigue, dizziness and less frequent urination. Some people get headaches or feel nauseous. Anyone can become dehydrated, but young children and older adults are most at risk.

When left untreated, dehydration can lead to heat exhaustion, cramps and seizures, which can cause you to lose consciousness. Mild dehydration can easily be reversed by drinking more fluids, but severe dehydration requires immediate medical treatment. When someone is severely dehydrated, she may need to go to the hospital to receive salts and fluids intravenously to recover.

So how can you avoid becoming dehydrated as temperatures increase?

a) Drink lots of cool water. You can also try a sports drink with electrolytes if you sweat excessively.

b) Take breaks. This sounds like common sense, but it is important. If you are working outside, make sure you take a short break every hour or more often if needed. Seek out shade and air conditioning if possible.

c) Dress appropriately. Three tips to help you dress “cooler:” Opt for sweat-wicking clothing, which keeps you cool; wear light-colored clothing, which reflects sunlight; and loose clothing which allows air to reach your skin and keeps you cooler.

d) Avoid being outside during the middle of the day. Temperatures tend to be at their highest between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. so that is a good time to stay inside. If you exercise outside, go early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is less intense and temperatures are cooler.

e) Don’t drink alcohol or beverages with caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine are both diuretics, which means you will become dehydrated more quickly. If you do want to enjoy a beer or another alcohol drink, be sure to drink water afterwards to decrease the chances of becoming dehydrated.

You can avoid dehydration during the hot summer months by drinking lots of water and being careful to not overexert yourself. Staying hydrated will help you feel better and keep you healthier.