Since carrot seed oil contains carotene and vitamin A, it is also very good for healthy skin, hair, gums and teeth and is also associated with good eyesight. The oil is extracted by steam distillation from the dried seeds, but the whole of the plant can yield an essential oil.
Carrots contain vitamin A, which stimulates sebum production that conditions your scalp and helps combat hair loss. … The vitamins B, C, E, magnesium, and phosphorus found in carrots improve the Carrot oil is considered to be very useful oil: it tones up, and at the same time, produces a calming effect on skin and hair. Uses of carrot oil are quite versatile, for example, healing properties for the delicate skin of eyes and lips, fighting skin ageing, in particular, neck skin ageing.
We need just 2 ingredients, of course, carrots and one of the oils: Olive oil, Almond oil or Coconut oil. You need to peel Carrots, RUB them on a grater and place them in water, pour some oil there. Keep in a water bath until it becomes noticeable that the carrot sank to the bottom and oil acquired orange colour. Carefully remove, drain, pour the oil into a clean jar for the storage.
You need to RUB peeled Carrots on a grater, move them to a clean jar and pour as much oil (olive or almond or coconut) to cover the carrots. Close the jar with a lid and leave on the sun for 2 weeks. Each day this bottle should be shaken. Beta-carotene and fat-soluble vitamins dissolved in oil will make it acquire a pale orange colour. After 2 weeks, this carrot oil should be filtered. Carrot oil should be stored in a cool, dark place. Uses of carrot oil It is worth bearing in mind that carrots do not contain enough oil, so carrot oil is made by adding other natural oils. Carrot oil is not difficult to be prepared at home. Carrot oil can be used to restore healthy skin colour and also to improve its elasticity and firmness. Particularly effective is the use of oil for moisturizing of skin during the cold weather, when the house is overheated.