Hilaria Baldwin Claps Back at Criticism of Her Kids Not Wearing Coats Outside in New York City


Hilaria Baldwin isn’t letting mom-shamers get the best of her.

The Mom Brain podcast host and mother of four clapped back Monday on her Instagram Story after she received negative comments on a photo of herself and her children — sons Romeo Alejandro David, 19 months, Leonardo Ángel Charles, 3, and Rafael Thomas, 4½, plus daughter Carmen Gabriela, 6 — out and about in New York City.

The photo, which Hilaria said was taken on Saturday when “it was nearly 70” degrees outside, showed Rafael wearing a puffer jacket and pants, but the rest of the kids were in long-sleeved ensembles and pants, many which resembled sleepwear. Hilaria, 36, wore black pants and a gray sweater as she held youngest child Romeo, while the five of them waited to cross the street.

“I can’t believe that when I post a photo of my kids with no jackets, it starts such controversy,” she began, adding a crying-laughing emoji. “I think there are a few things we should consider before you worrying about my children with no coats seemingly RUINS your Monday.”

“1. It was nearly 70 this weekend, 2. Someone pointed out that since I posted this photo today … it doesn’t matter what temp it was this weekend. Not sure the logic of this … I assure you that this was taken sat am,” the fitness instructor continued on her Story. “3. That my children are gonna get cold from wearing coats … just so you know, you get sick from a virus and not from no jacket.”