Belinda Awuku has been arrested but has since been granted bail.
Police say the suspect’s spouse lodged a complaint, alleging that her husband had been attacked by robbers at the Cedar Crescent Hotel on New Year’s day in a move to conceal the crime.
“We want to know what role she has played so we are investigating her as well,” Ashanti Regional Deputy Commander, ACP David Agyemang Adjem, who confirmed her arrest said.
He did not say what charges have been preferred against the Mrs Awuku but indicated that she is under investigation.
The deceased, Comfort Owusu Afriyie, 46, and a restaurant operator was shot dead in the chest on New Year’s Day at Cedar Crescent Hotel at Danyame by Edwin Awuku, 42.
The two had checked into the facility hours before the fatal gunshot was fired, which the suspect, Mr Awuku had attempted to cover up.
After the incident, he told hotel management and his wife proceeded to the police to lodge a complaint that her husband and Mrs Owusu Afriyie were attacked by armed robbers.
But speaking to David Akuetteh, the host of ‘Luv In The Morning’ on Luv FM said, “Yes the wife is also being investigated although she came in after the shooting,” he revealed.
A case docket is being prepared for onward transmission to the Attorney General’s Office for the necessary action, the police said.
Mrs Awuku’s arrest comes as police are due to today arraign her husband.
“We cannot charge the wife as we may charge the husband but yes, there are investigations going on,” ACP Adjem said.
The incident has raised public concerns about weapon possession and handling, especially by private individuals.
ACP Adjem wants people who have acquired guns legally to seek training in how to use them.
Meanwhile, hundreds of mourners have joined the family of the late Comfort Owusu Afriyie, owner of Asafo-based Nana Yaa’s Lovers Inn Restaurant to observe her one-week passing.