Four causes of the skin condition called ‘Rosacea’


Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness on your face. The most common places to find symptoms of rosacea include your nose, cheeks and forehead. Rosacea can flare throughout your life and usually starts after age 30. Medicines, creams and lotions help reduce symptoms according to a research published on Mayo clinics published on 12th April 2023

Causes of Rosacea

Nervous condition: A condition that affects your blood vessels, immune or nervous system can cause rosacea.

Microscopic skin mites (Demodex): Your body has a natural, microscopic mite that lives on your nose and cheeks. Having too many of these mites causes symptoms of rosacea.

An infection: The H. pylori bacteria can cause an infection. Studies suggest that people who had this infection can develop rosacea.

A protein malfunctioning: The cathelicidin protein protects your skin from infection. If the protein isn’t working as it should, you’ll experience symptoms of rosacea.

And finally, if you experience persistent symptoms of your face or eyes, see your doctor or a skin specialist (dermatologist) for a diagnosis and proper treatment.