Ex-Arsenal boss Wenger: World Cup now Euros + Brazil; France won because…


Former Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has questioned the competitiveness of international football.

Wenger feels the World Cup proved Europe is pulling away from the rest of the globe in terms of quality.

He told Corse-Matin: “I did all the World Cup as consultant for beIN, and five times round trip between Paris and Moscow. Before the competition, we were made to fear the worst, we were a little in the situation of the type who, when crossing the threshold of the cinema, is told that he will attend a bad movie.

“But then, everyone was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the organisation and reception, the level of education and culture of Muscovites.

“As for the competition, unfortunately, the World Cup has become a European Championship with a guest, Brazil. Africa does not have a team that can win, Asia neither. The rest of South America no longer has the scale of its ambitions.

“France is perhaps the only team that has gone to crescendo. We have seen teams that have started well before dropping to their feet, while France has shown steady growth. I also explain this victory by an irreproachable state of mind, but also by the superiority that it displayed in terms of physical power.

“I had announced the favorite France from the start, because it proposed the best ratio between technical quality and physical power.”