While that is not to scare you or make anyone panic, it is also a clear statement of fact that Coronavirus is well and truly in Nigeria now.

Being super-hygenic, alongside following all the helpful safety tips are very important.

Whether you live alone, with a partner, young ones, elderly ones or with a large family comprising all age groups, it’s something that has to be done.

To that effect, here is how much you should be cleaning, how intentional you have to be about it, and how frequently you have to do it.

Use products that kills germs. It's very important when cleaning surfaces.

Where should you clean?

All high-touch surfaces. That is, those places where you and your family leave a million fingerprints every day.

Think door knobs, light switches, refrigerator and microwave doors, drawer pulls, TV remotes, if you are working at home, clean your mouse, counters and table tops where you cook and eat, toilet handles, faucet handles, etc.

How regularly would you have to do all of this?

Experts say daily.

Cleaning is major key. Especially with the continuous spread of the Coronavirus pandemic.

What should you clean with?

It’s very advisable to use sprays or wipes that promise to kill 99.9 percent of germs.

And try to be as thorough as is reasonably possible.

Will soapy water work, too?

Washing with soapy water should do the trick, reports NY Times.

They say “although soap and water will not kill all germs, scrubbing with soapy water should be effective in removing coronavirus and other germs from surfaces.”

To wear gloves or not?

You could wear gloves and it is actually advisable to do so.

But where you have no gloves, just be sure to wash your hands before and after you clean.

What happens to the gloves afterwards?

If you intend to reuse them, make sure to wash them after each use.

But if not, you can throw them away or burn them.

Then wash your bare hands afterwards.

Any parting words on hygiene?

Every time you have to step out [if you really have to], wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water immediately you get home.