Colin Kaepernick: Quarterback ‘still ready’ to play in NFL


Colin Kaepernick says he is “still ready” to play in the NFL despite being without a contract for 889 days.


The former San Francisco 49ers quarterback tweeted a video of himself working out in a gym, saying: “5am. 5 days a week. For 3 years. Still Ready.”


Kaepernick has been without a team since opting out of his 49ers contract in March 2017.


In 2016 he began kneeling for the national anthem in protest against racial injustice in the USA.


Other players followed suit but the protest divided the country and sparked the anger of President Donald Trump, who accused those kneeling of disrespecting the flag and called for them to be sacked.


In February Kaepernick reached a settlement with the NFL over a ‘collusion’ case against team owners.


The 31-year-old believed owners were conspiring not to hire him because of his protests.