Colin Kaepernick: NFL quarterback’s camp address ‘false statements’ over his future


Colin Kaepernick’s representatives have moved to quash “false statements” regarding the quarterback’s future.


The 31-year-old has not played in the NFL since he began kneeling for the national anthem in 2016 in protest against racial injustice in the USA.


He left the San Francisco 49ers in March 2017 and has been without a team since, despite being available to play.


Kaepernick’s representatives said “in 25 years” they had “never seen anything like it”.


In a statement titled “facts to address the false narratives regarding Colin Kaepernick”, Jeff Nalley and Jasmine Windham added that their client had not demanded a specific salary to join a team.


“Not a single team has brought Colin in for a workout,” said the statement. “Seattle brought Colin in for a visit but did not work him out.


“Afterwards, (Seattle coach) Pete Carroll said Colin is a ‘starter in this league’.


“No other NFL team has interviewed or worked out Colin in the past three seasons, despite other false statements in the media to the contrary.”


Nalley and Windham said they had “reached out to all 32 teams about Colin’s employment, with little or no response”.


In February, Kaepernick reached a settlement with the NFL over a ‘collusion’ case against team owners.


The 31-year-old believed owners were conspiring not to hire him because of his protests.


He has recently tweeted videos of himself working out as he awaits a return to NFL.


Kaepernick’s former 49ers teammate Eric Reid also settled his own collusion case and has since signed with the Carolina Panthers.