Actress Caroline Danjuma has shared the struggles she went through to have her daughter who will turn 4 years old come September.
According to her, she was given the choice of choosing to save her own life or that of her daughter’s. The decision was present before her by her doctor when she was pregnant with the girl and still had fibroid.
Caroline Danjuma shared on social media:
“My darling 3 yrs old daughter .. in Christ you will grow and learn his ways .. counting Down to your 4 th birthday SEP/13/2018 girl is growing.
?.. born sep 13/2014 with two holes in the heart .. I was battling with fibroid too while I carried you in my womb .. the doc told me to choose between you and I whom she should save if I had to be rushed in for a CS operation and for sure I chose you but God’s words are different from man ..
I serve a living God who never sleeps.. HE put you under his wings .. for once I have never had any reason to worry.. healed by his blood . I have been holding on to this testimony .. you have been nothing short of an angel .. the happiest little girl I know .. may God grant me the grace to be a good mother to you #myuntoldstories#jesusistheaurhorandfinisher.