The beautiful abandon of sexual bliss with your partner. Yes, maybe we’re making it seem like all that, but if you do it right, it can be all that. And lots more. However, there are some things you shouldn’t do before you have sex if you don’t want things to get messy. Or awkward!
5 things you shouldn’t do before you have sex
1. Don’t drink too much
Drinking too much generally almost always ends with an embarrassing video of yourself dancing naked. Drinking too much before sex can be a lot worse because excess alcohol causes nausea and you really don’t want to be vomiting on your partner right in the middle of things.
2. Don’t eat peppery food
Remember the embarrassing sex story we told you about the lady and the relaxed lady bits. Eating peppery food is very close to that. Imagine giving your partner a blow job and suddenly he screams in pain because his man part is on fire from all the pepper you ate with that suya.
3. Don’t search for protection
Nothing kills the mood faster than spending minutes searching for protection or having to go out to buy it. So always have protection close by your bed in case of unexpected or emergency sexcapades.
4. Don’t eat too much
Eating a lot before sex can make you feel sluggish and unable to perform. Sometimes it could also make you throw up in the middle of all the thrusting and pounding. So skip the huge meal till after you’ve finished sex. You’ll probably need it to boost your energy.
5. Don’t shave right before
Asides the fact that it could lead to some unpleasant, mood-killing scratches. You’re also likely to get a cut and open yourself to getting infected with STDs in the process. So if you don’t shave a day before, just leave the hair alone.
Sex is a beautiful thing, but silly everyday habits can turn the most amazing experience to an embarrassment of a lifetime.