Many youths believe grey hair is associated with old age. This is why some people cannot stand it when they look in the mirror, and there it is, your first grey hair! How do you feel as a youth? Of course, you’re not going to wake up one day and be totally grey. It’s a process that follows a pattern. Grey hairs actually start by first appearing around your temples (on either side of the forehead) and slowly fill in and move up and around your scalp.
There are many factors attributed to going grey. Depression, stress, inadequate rest, not eating balanced diet, lack of supplement, health issues, among others are possible factors. Grey hair is not necessarily associated with old age.
It is important to know that as we age, human produces less of two enzymes: the first, is an enzyme that helps break down hydrogen peroxide. This increases Hydrogen peroxide (For bleaching hair naturally). The second one is melanin. Once the production of melanin is stopped altogether, hair turns white. Basically, going grey is caused by a lack of melanin, which is what gives your hair its colour. We typically produce less of this as we get older while Hydrogen peroxide inhibits the synthesis of melanin. You could ask your parents when they got their first grey hairs, to have a glimpse into when it’s likely for you to start for adequate prep. Men have a way of shaving it off while women take to dyeing instead or even use wigs to cover it. I know right. The question is, how long would you do this for. How about many who were born with it? Apparently, there is nothing you can do about it. You can only prevent grey hair early growth if you were not born with it.
Do what makes you happy
When someone is not happy, this can lead to hormonal imbalance and he/she can start having grey hair, A lot of people cannot manage stress, but irrespective of what you are going through, you should control your stress by practicing relaxation techniques such as body massage, deep breathing, meditation, etc. Your hair will be grateful!
Take Vitamin B12 supplements/Take multivitamin supplements
if you’re concerned about going gray too early, you need to consider taking multivitamin supplements as One of the ways to prevent grey hairs too early. You need multivitamins especially Vitamin B12 mostly available in foods such as beef, fish, eggs and chicken, as well as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and dairy. Vitamin B12 deficiency sometimes causes premature gray. When you have a deficiency, your hair can prematurely begin to lose some of its pigment or even fall out (it may fall out if you have a zinc deficiency), making you grey or bald (you’d want to avoid both). If you are a vegan, you can get your supplement from milk and egg products. Drink a lot of water too to enable nutrients reach your hair follicles
Stay off smoking
Smoking accelerates the aging process. If you smoke cigarettes, you are much more likely to get premature white hair. It is possible that you will go gray before the age of 30. If you’re a smoker and you’re concerned about going gray, it’s one of many good reasons to take measures to stay away from cigarettes starting right now. So quit smoking in for other health cautions Avoid dyeing your hair. Dyeing, could increase the grey hair apart from inhibiting the growth.
Do not pull off grey hair not because more would come out. Forget the idea that plucking a gray hair will cause multiple grays to sprout. If you have a prominent gray hair and it annoys you every time you notice it, feel free to pluck it out without worrying that you’ll cause a mini explosion of grays. But guess what? the plucked follicle is gray and will always be gray; it won’t come back in your other color. “Rather than using harsh chemical substance, use natural ingredients to help to boost and rejuvenate