Explicitly erotic sculptures inspired by ancient Greek ceramic art are making waves at a marina in the Spanish city of Valencia.
By local artist Antoni Miro, the steel figures provide a foretaste of an upcoming exhibition of his at a cultural centre opening soon nearby, said a spokeswoman for the consortium that manages the space.
But for some, such explicit art should not be displayed in a place that is frequented by families with small children.
“The exhibition in the street of these figures that depict blow jobs, masturbation, exposed genitals… with highly explicit sexual content” could violate the law for the protection of minors, the conservative Family Forum association said in a statement.
The images confront children without any prior warning and “are inappropriate for their age”, it said.
Miro told AFP he had made the sculptures in 2007 based on scenes that figured on ceramics the ancient Greeks used daily some 2,500 years ago.
It’s a “reencounter with our roots,” he said in an emailed response to questions.
“It must be seen with normality, it’s an act of love.”
Asked whether the public outdoor space was appropriate, he said the sculptures belonged there “in front of the Mediterranean sea looking towards Greece, the cradle of culture.”