How To Win Over Any Man You Want In 6 Simple Steps

You may have heard many stories of couples mutually falling in love at first sight. But this does not always happen. Sometimes, one person has stronger feelings than the other. It then becomes a matter of getting the less-involved partner to make a commitment.

You can win over any man you want if you are willing to get creative and smart. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be in the arms of the man of your dreams in no time.

1. Get communication going

There’s only so much you can do if you’re yearning for the guy from afar. To win over any man, you have to start by talking to him. But be careful not to overdo it. Daily messages and calls come off as desperate.

How To Win Over Any Man You Want In 6 Simple Steps
2. Gather your intel

Learn all you can about him – his favorite food, the football team his support, hobbies, etc. You can learn these by either encouraging him to share or finding other methods, perhaps doing a bit of social media stalking.

3. Discuss his interests and be willing to listen

While talking to him, bring up topics you now know are interesting to him. He will be very likely to talk about this. When this happens, all you have to do is listen. We tend to gravitate towards people that make us feel heard because most people tend to talk more about themselves than listen to others. Once he realizes you make a great confidant, you’re one step closer.

4. Show him your feminine side

At this point, your guy may start initiating communication because he just loves talking to you. But since we’re not trying to be buddies with this guy, it’s time to heat things up. Set up a scenario where you both can meet and come dressed in your hottest. Note, this does not mean you come in revealing clothing. Leave something to the imagination but ensure your hair, makeup and everything else is on fleek.

How To Win Over Any Man You Want In 6 Simple Steps
5. Don’t get physical

Before a man can fall for you for real, he first becomes physically attracted to you. If it’s just sex you want, you can get straight to it. But to truly win over any man, don’t get to the sex part too early. You need to keep some intrigue in the relationship. So even when he pushes, insist that you don’t sleep with men you’re not dating, or that you don’t want to rush things.

6. Let him do the wooing

If you’ve done a great job, this is the part where he puts in the effort to try to woo you. Again, if you require a commitment before anything happens, stand your ground. Ensure things are solid between you two and that he treats you right.