According Daily Mail, the lady identified as Joanne Wickenden, 23-years-old, was sacked by the airline Tuesday. The video had sparked outrage after the lady recorded the clip in her British Airways uniform before flying from London Heathrow to Abuja on Friday night. After a two-hour meeting on Tuesday, Ms. Wickenden allegedly claimed that the video which she uploaded via her Snapchat was ‘just a joke’.
She also claimed that she was set up by a British Airways colleague who recorded her and shared the clip, especially on social media. But the British Airways in a statement on Tuesday said the lady no longer works with the airline, adding that their staff are expected to be of utmost professionalism. “She no longer works for British Airways. We expect the utmost professionalism from our staff when they are representing British Airways,” the statement said.
According to Daily Mail, the video, which was captioned ‘I can’t cope with this flight’, was circulated among British Airways cabin crew. The crew, reports said, were ‘horrified’ and ‘very concerned’. Meanwhile, Ms. Wickenden reportedly told her friends that she was not a racist, adding that the video was just “a joke.”