
Causes of Itchy throat


Itchy throats are a common sign of allergies and infections. If a person’s throat feels itchy, they may be able to relieve it with remedies like honey, salt water gargles, hot beverages, allergy medications, and cold medications.

Irritated itchy throats can be caused by a wide variety of factors. Likely causes of an itchy throat include the following:

Food allergies
Allergic reactions to food happen when the body reacts to certain things we eat as if they were going to harm the body. The allergy may be mild with symptoms stopping with an itchy throat or mouth. However, they can be life-threatening. Common trigger foods include peanuts, shellfish, eggs, milk, and wheat.

Bacterial and viral infections
Strep throat or bacterial cases of tonsillitis may start with an itchy throat before progressing to a more severe sore throat. Viruses such as the common cold or the flu virus can both cause an itchy throat.

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in. It is common during hot weather, after exercise, or during illness. Dehydration can cause a dry mouth, a temporary condition where the mouth and throat don’t have enough saliva and this may cause an itchy feeling in the throat.

Medication side effects
Some medications may cause dry coughs and itchy throats that are not due to allergic reactions. People taking ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure should be aware that ACE inhibitors may cause an itchy throat and dry cough. Most often, these symptoms begin shortly after starting an ACE inhibitor and are
not accompanied by other symptoms commonly experienced with an itchy throat. All this information is gotten from an article on Medical News Today public on 18th October 2023

In conclusion, Acid reflux can cause several symptoms, including a sore throat. Anyone can develop this condition, including infants. The treatment may involve self-care strategies and, for older children and adults, medications. Speak with a doctor if the symptoms do not improve with treatment or worsen.