4 ways to get a healthy skin


Many people find it difficult to get clear skin and this can vary especially since everyone has different skin types. Now it can be a tad bit difficult for people with acne, or dry skin or even both. And you know sometimes it’s hard to know what your skin really needs to be as healthy as possible. Every day we’re bombarded by marketing hype for various skin care and cosmetic products, we don’t know which might be harmful or not good for skin. Now It turns out, the basics of skincare are pretty simple and highly underrated. And if you’re a health-conscious person, chances are you’re already checking most of the boxes below.


1. Avoid popping pimples: This is for everyone and note to self too, even though it can be very tempting, don’t pop your pimples. According to an article by Medical News Today published on the 19th of January,2021, a pimple indicates trapped oil, sebum, and bacteria. Additionally, the released liquids expose the surrounding skin to similar bacteria, increasing the risk of additional pimples forming. The exposed pimple may also lead to permanent scarring. Whenever possible, avoid popping pimples. If they drain, keep the area clean.


2. Wash twice daily and Moisturize: It is recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology that people should wash twice daily and then again after sweating. Leaving sweat on the skin and allowing it to dry can make acne worse, so it is best to wash the skin as soon as possible after sweating and Moisturize. And if you’re not certain of what moisturizers will work for you, contact a dermatologist.


3. Stay hydrated: This is the easiest way to have a healthy skin. Drink water. I know you’re tired of me saying this constantly but drink water. Most times we forget to just drink water, the only time we remember is when we’re eating. Now having a clear healthy skin requires your body to have water, you can’t be praying for a great skin, with a dehydrated skin, doesn’t work that way my people. So drink water.


4. Eat a healthful diet: Eating a healthful diet rich in nutrients is important for the body as a whole, and it may also benefit the skin. Eating a diet rich in various plant foods and lean protein sources may help provide the nutrients that the skin needs to stay healthy.


There are more than four ways you should also look for more ways to maintain a healthy skin. If it’s an underlying skin disease, please visit a dermatologist.