Cartoon Network will produce its first superhero animated comedy series to be produced in Africa about Garbage Boy, a self-proclaimed superhero who believes he has superpowers, and his sidekick, Trashcan. Ten episodes of the series will be produce by a new studio called Pure Garbage which has been set up in South Africa. The comedy series will premiere in 2022 on Cartoon Network Africa.
Self-taught Nigerian animator Ridwan Moshood explained that growing up in Nigeria, he was bullied by the other kids which led to the creation of the super-hero cartoon to help other kids deal with this problem. He then taught myself to animate watching Cartoon Network classics on TV and doing tutorials on YouTube. He also said “I never imagined in my wildest dreams that my show would eventually be produced.”
The studio is a partnership between Moshood, Mike de Seve of Baboon Animation in the U.S., and Nick Wilson, founder of African Animation Network (AAN), a for-profit social enterprise that’s working to develop and grow animation capacity across the continent.