Kindly ensure you properly adorn the wig, bip & gown – NBA National Publicity Secretary tells comedian Lasisi


Social Media comedia Lasisi Elenu has been chastised by the Assistant National Publicity Secretary of the NBA Habeeb Lawal for misrepresenting the learned professionals by dressing inappropriately in his #AtomicBomb #theLaw and #notachargeandbaillawyer videos.

While commending Lasisi for showing the humorous side of lawyers, the assistant secretary also said the group reserves the right to take steps to guide against ridiculing their profession and offered to guide him in dressing properly. He wrote

kindly ensure you properly adorn the wig, bip & gown.
We acknowledge your right of expression, but NOTE that we also reserve the rights to take all NECESSARY steps to guide against the ridicule of our noble profession and @NigBarAssoc shall not hesitate to exercise those rights…In the likely event that you need a guide on how to make a joke about lawyers without ridiculing our appearance, here is a good guide Down pointing backhand index

We hope Lasisi gets a good lawyer and not appear as #AtomicBomb in the event that this whole fiasco lands him in court. lol