Amat Victoria Curam is Latin for “Victory Loves Preparation”.
It’s a phrase we should all keep in mind before starting anything new.
For example…
The best time to study for a test is…before it takes place.
The best time to keep a customer is…before she walks out the door.
The best time to get legal advice is…before you sign the contract.
The best time to prepare for the economy to open backup is…before it arrives.
Businesses or Entrepreneurs cashing out big time during this covid-19 pandemic have prepared for this long time ago.
Earlier yesterday on the global scene , President Trump announced that some states in the United States will be able to lift restrictions and reopen businesses before May 1.
During his speech in the Rose Garden, he said…
“I will be speaking to all 50 governors very shortly and I will then be authorizing each individual governor of each individual state to implement a reopening and a very powerful reopening plan of their state in a time and a manner as most appropriate.”
Hopefully, President Buhari will be able to do the same come the Month of May in Nigeria.
So what’s the best thing you can do right now to best prepare for the reopening?
How can you come out of the gate fast, focused and fully prepared to make up for some lost time and wages?
Here’s the smart play.
Assess Your Year-To-Date Results
The year is now more than 25% complete.
You’ve now had 114 days to build momentum, drive results and rack up some big wins.
Are you crushing it or getting crushed?
Let’s have a look…
If you had ambitions of making $250,000 this year, you should have $62,500 in the bag.
If your financial goal was to make 1 billion naira by now , 250 Million Naira should be in the bag by now.
If you set a goal of paying off $20,000 in high-interest debt, you should be $5000 lighter by now.
And, if you set a goal of losing 40 pounds and looking fit for the year end , you should have dropped 10 pounds by this time.
Question of the day
Are you on track with any of your goals or resolutions?
Have you surpassed your expectations?
Are you even close?
If you don’t make any changes and continue doing what you’ve been doing…where will you be 100 days from today?
Will you be struggling, spinning your wheels and in the same place where you are right now?
Why would you want that?
Especially when you could be taking action now to prepare for a comeback of the ages.
Before the economy opens back up…, discuss and share it with your family, friends and associates and most importantly…implement the ideas.
Amat Victoria Curam…victory loves preparation!
Remember To Stay Home, Stay Safe, Exercise , Eat Healthy and Stay Productive.
Dr Laide Okubena