Photo editor jailed for publishing nude videos of student

A District Magistrate Court in Accra has sentenced a 33-year old Photo editor to 30 days imprisonment for publishing nude videos of a student after extorting monies from her.

The court further ordered Abegya to pay the victim ¢5,000 compensation by March 3, this year.

Abegya, charged with publication or sales of obscene materials and extortion, pleaded guilty before the court presided over by Rosemond Dodua Agyiri.

The facts as presented by Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Sylvester Asare, prosecuting, said the complainant who is a student resides at Tema while Abegya also lives at Tema Community four.

Prosecution said in July last year, the convict met the complainant on WhatsApp and became friends.

The Prosecution said Abegya posed as a female porn star and sent nude videos to the complainant via WhatsApp and requested the complainant to send him her nude photos as well and she did.

Abegya after receiving the nude videos of the complainant, called the complainant and demanded ¢200 from her and threatened to publish her nude videos on social media.

The Prosecution said the complainant paid the money to Abegya via his Airtel/Tigo mobile money wallet.

He said when the convict received the money, he uploaded the complainant’s nude videos on a website.

The prosecution said subsequently the complainant saw her nude pictures on the said website and confronted Abegya.

He said the convict then demanded an additional ¢200 from the complainant to pull down the videos from the website.

The prosecution said the complainant paid the money via MTN Mobile money wallet but after collecting the amount, Abegya persistently demanded more from the complainant and further threatened to publish the videos if she fails to pay.

He said on November 11, last year, the complainant reported the matter to the Police at Tema Community four and on November 26, that year, the convict was arrested from his hideout at Tema Community four.

The prosecution said Abegya in his cautioned statement admitted publishing the nude videos of the complainant on the internet and extorting money from her.

The prosecution said during investigations, several victims came to lodge a complaint against Abegya.