They had both been married before and after going through bruising divorces finally felt ready to try love again.

So when Cynthia Guy and Terry Thomas matched on a dating site back in 2004, they felt as if fate had aligned.

The couple were very much in love and just seven months after they started dating, they got married.

At first, their union was blissful.

Both had children from their previous marriages and Cynthia’s lived with the couple in their stunning – and huge – home.

Terry and Cynthai had both been through a divorce but found love again with each other 
Terry says the couple used to love to explore and travel 
The couple married just seven months after they met 

At first Cynthia, who worked as an addiction counselor, was everything Terry, a successful businessman, could have wished for in a wife.

He said: “We moved in together with her children and developed a very good relationship with them.

“Both of us I think really enjoyed traveling and exploring, we had fun together.

“She was a very compassionate person, very dedicated to social work, helping the less fortunate and trying to help them better themselves.”

But Terry admits it wasn’t long before cracks in their relationship appeared.

Cracks appeared in their relationship after four years 
Terry admits it wasn’t long before the cracks int heir relationship appeared
Terry said Cynthia could be like Jekyll and Hyde 

He said: “Four years into our marriage, I could see changes starting to happen.

“Cyndi at times would snap at the drop of a dime–what I refer to as a Jekyll and Hyde personality.”

So, when Terry was offered a job two-and-a-half hours away in Wyoming, he made the decision to buy a house there.

He hoped some time apart would help the couple – instead it made their relationship worse.

As the rows became more and more frequenet, Terry finally reached breaking point in 2012 and filed for divorce.

In 2012 Terry, pictured with Cynthia and their children, filed for divorce 

He was given the majority of the couple’s assests, something that infuriated Cynthia.

Terry said: “She wanted more, more, more, and I believe her ultimate goal at that point was to destroy me financially and in any other way that she possibly could.”

Cynthia did indeed have a dark plan to exact her revenge on her ex-husband – she was planing on having him killed and enlisted the help of one of her own patients.

She asked one of her female patients, a vulnerable, single mum if she had any contacts who could help her kill Terry.

Cynthia threatened to send the young woman back to prison if she didn’t get in touch with her contacts in the Mexican cartels to carry out the murder.

Cynthia threatened to send her patient back to prison 

Terrified, the woman called police immediately, who fitted her with a wire and snuck into the building to listen to the therapy session.

What they heard horrified officers.

Cynthia had prepared a file contact photos of her ex-husband, the lay-out of the home they had shared and where Terry still lived and his daily routine.

One officer said: “You’re still trying to wrap your mind around this is a professional therapist that is doing this.”

The patient agrees to call her cousin, Frankie, who she claims has links to the Mexican criminal underworld and who will be able to carry out the hit.

She asked her patient to contact anyone she knew in Mexican cartels 

Then it’s up to an undercover agent to convince Cynthia that he really is cousin Frankie and a hitman.

The bitter ex-wife believes him and arranges to meet – and now police have to give Terry the bombshell news that his life is in danger and his wife wants him dead.

He said: “It was shock, terror, disbelief – everything in one. At that point, he wanted to make sure that I disappear and checked into a hotel.

“I brought the handgun on me just in case I was being watched and followed.

“It was just total suspense and fear. I was scared what might be hiding behind the next corner.”

Terry was forced to check into a hotel when police told him his ex-wife wanted him dead 

Next, Cynthia arranged a meeting with cousin Frankie – she had no idea he was an undercover agent.

In a chilling conversation, recorded on a dash camera, Cynthia describes in detail why she wants Tery dead.

She says: “It’s an 18,000 square foot home, but the mother****** took it from me. And my kids. He left me f****** homeless and he owned all four homes.”

Cynthia describes the home she shared with her husband in detail and even asks the ‘killer’ to make it look like suicide.

She then confesses she’s been planning the murder for six months before handing over $2,000 dollars.

Cynthia confesses she’s been planning the murder for six months 

Cynthia promises to give cousin Frankie a further $2,000 when the murder has been carried out and tells him to text her saying ‘I’m at the gym’, which is code for proof Terry is dead.

She believes the hit will be carried out in the next 24 hours and when police show up at her home after she’s been told her husband is dead, she’s outside, smoking a cigarette,

Initially officers told Cynthia they were there to tell her her ex-husband was dead and could she go to the station with them to idientify him.

She pretended to cry – but officers say they saw no tears.

At the police station officers confronted Cynthia with all the facts and she was stunned.

She pleaded guilty to aggravated kidnapping and was sentenced to 20 to 25 years behind bars.

Cynthia also issued an apology to to her children, colleagues and the community.

The one person she didn’t say sorry to was Terry.

He is now faced with the task of trying to move on with his life after his ex-wife tried to kill him.

Terry said: “As much as I want to say and believe that she didn’t win, in some ways, she did.  I was, still am, and probably always will be traumatized.

“I definitely am not as trusting of others. It’s hard to put it behind ya, but I’m not giving up on love. As the saying goes, ‘living well is the best revenge’. I’m gonna live well