Put Garlic Under Your Pillow And See What Happens


Everyone is familiar with the pungent flavor of garlic. It adds zest to innumerable savory dishes. It’s also quite healthy, with complex carbohydrates and proteins, plus vital minerals and vitamins like vitamin B, sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

Eating garlic on a regular basis can help to ward off heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases as well as metabolic disorders like diabetes.

The instantly recognizable smell of garlic comes from the allicin, a sulfur compound. It makes garlic excellent for treating infections because it can kill some types of virus more efficiently than antibiotics, and without the nasty side effects. Garlic also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that support optimal function of all of the body’s systems.

But we’re not done yet! Garlic improves blood flow, lowers cholesterol, and even helps prevent premature aging by reducing oxidative damage. With all the benefits of eating garlic, why on earth would you put it under your pillow? As it turns out, there are several reasons.

Read on to find out what happens when you stash a clove or two under your pillow at night.