Strong relationships are not so easy to come by or to even have but they definitely are something you can have, if you genuinely want it and strive for it. Everyone has habits, good habits and bad habits, and these habits find their way into your relationship and either make it better or worse. Below are habits that help to foster a strong relationship with your man or woman.
- Communication: I cannot overemphasize the supreme importance of communication. I mean, if I don’t know your thoughts or feelings about things, how do we move forward? Couols who are happy communicate often and very effectively too. They discuss the big things, the seemingly small things, the good, the bad, the ugly etc. This definitely makes their love stronger and their relationship last.
- Respect: This goes for both male and female partners in relationships. The respect for each other’s feelings, opinions, shortcomings, achievements, efforts, time, body etc makes the couple conscious about each other’s likes and dislikes and they do their best to make the other person happy at all times.
- Time: Jobs, hobbies, social activities etc are things that can keep couples from spending time with each other. But the amount of time is not even so much of a factor as the quality of the time you spend doing things in common – going out on dates, for a walk, drive, swim, movie, game, indoors talking and just spending time together. Quality time together endures continuous attraction, love, respect and mutual interest which strengthens their relationships is very important.
- Love Languages: Gary Chapman’s five love languages of words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, physical touch and acts of service are particular to each person in the relationship, perhaps at different times too. Listen to your partner’s love languages and communicate your love for them in the way you know they understand best.
- Wise Arguments: Arguments don’t necessarily mean fights they should not always escalate into fights. Bickering over little things all the time can be called nagging and this can be very frustrating. Arguments over the things that matter to the success of your relationship are the ones worth having not the baseless and meaningless ones that have even a higher chance of escalating into bigger problems.
- Personal Time: Just as time together is pertinent to the success of a relationship, time alone to do the things that each person loves to do also helps build healthy boundaries in a relationship. Allowing the other to breathe and have fun without them builds their anticipation for when they see as they have things to talk about and engage each other on. No one likes to be stalked or obsessed over, after all. This is a very important factor for a great relationship.
- Focusing on the Good: Life will always have ups and downs so we know everyday that we wake up, that things are going to be either good or bad. Focusing on the good is a good way to unnerve the body of tension and condition the mind to see the good things in your partner than the bad things. Trust me, this conscious exercise helps to appreciate them more and love them always, despite the terrible times they might go through.