The cool thing about lifehacks is that you get to find other uses for daily objects in your home. If you are not a fan of spending money to buy a whole bunch of stuff, you will be excited to learn how to use one thing for different purposes.
Try these alternative uses for sanitary pads and you will be surprised at how many problems these little things can solve.
1. To make your heels more comfortable

Slip in one pad inside your heels for added support and cushioning. You may even find that you keep your shoes on for longer as a result. Putting a pad in your shoes can also absorb your sweat if you’re prone to stinky feet.
2. They can wipe stains surprisingly well

These babies are super absorbent, which means they will do in a pinch if you have to wipe off a quick stain.
3. Armpit sweat absorber

Another one of the alternative uses for sanitary pads is to keep your armpit sweat from messing up your outfit. Take a thin pad and stick it in the armpit area of your clothes. It will absorb sweat stains throughout the day.
4. For your boobs

Sanitary pads can also be used as sweat absorber for your boobs. Simply lay one in each cup of your bra to double the absorption strength.
5. As makeup sponges

There are a lot of alternative uses for sanitary pads mainly because they are essentially sanitary cotton and can be used when you run out of makeup sponges.
6. As gauze

If bandages are not working effectively, a sanitary pad can work in this situation as well.