Couple in bed --- Image by © Darren Kemper/Corbis

4 Things Doctors Say Women Should Do Immediately After Sex

There are a few things women should do after sex for better hygiene. We are more susceptible to UTIs and it’s very important that we protect ourselves by doing whatever we can.

So, listen to the medical experts and do these after sex.

1. Urinate

After being with your partner, it’s important to clear any dangerous bacteria out of your vagina by peeing. This cleanses you from inside out and reduces your chances for Urinary Tract Infections.

4 Things Doctors Say Women Should Do Immediately After Sex Zumi
2. Rinse off

Just like you rinse your insides, you should also rinse your outside after sex. Use water and non-scented soap to rinse around your vagina. This is not only to prevent infection but it’s also a clean habit to get into as it’s not advisable to sit with your post-sex discharge for very long.

4 Things Doctors Say Women Should Do Immediately After Sex Zumi
3. Drink water

You probably spent the last hour sweating and engaging in some pretty acrobatic moves. So, just as you do after exercising, you should rehydrate after sex. It’s important to replenish the lost fluids.

4. Cotton panties or no panties at all

Doctors always advise that it’s best to go to bed naked to prevent a risk of infection. But if this does not sound like something you can do, then you should wear cotton underwear as this lets out the air. So, after teasing him with your sexy, lacy lingerie, it’s probably not the best idea to wear it again when you’re done.

So, as you can see, it’s not just enough to protect yourself during sex, you should also do so afterward to keep things clean and healthy down there.