Women are complicated. The way in which we become aroused is complicated. The annoying thing is that more studies have been conducted about a man’s arousal than a woman’s. Typical. So we don’t know everything about what it’s like for a woman to get turned on yet.
Because for many years studies spoke in general terms about arousal, lumping women in the same category as men. But the truth is that women’s bodies and brains react differently to men’s brains when they’re getting hot and heavy.
We do know some stuff though, thankfully, and the gap in the research is supposedly becoming narrower. There are lots of physiological effects when a woman gets turned on. You know the deal. You get a rush of excitement and this shows up in different ways around your body. You get erections too you know, it’s just a lot less obvious than when men get them. There are other strange happenings in our bodies when we get turned on that you might not have realized happen. For example, your uterus lifts up in order to lengthen the vaginal canal. Yep, that’s right, your womb moves out of the way to let somebody in.
That’s just the crazy stuff that’s happening in your body. There’s just as much activity going on in your brain too. Hormones are released that make you feel a certain way. And sometimes you may be turned on mentally but this doesn’t show itself in the rest of your body and vice versa. As I said, women are complicated.
- You Blink Lots
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There are a couple of reasons why you might be fluttering those lashes more when you’re getting geared up for some saucy time. Firstly, people blink more when they’re nervous. So if you’re sleeping with someone new for the first time you might be a bit anxious which in turn will make you blink more. The other reason is very much to do with you getting turned on. You also might blink more because it’s the way in which your eyes stay moist. Your eyes need to stay moist when you’re getting aroused because you need to have clear vision.
- You Feel Like You Need To Pee
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If somebody is stimulating your area down there you might fee like you need to go to the toilet because the areas that are being stimulated are near your urethra. If someone is hitting the G-spot then you might especially feel like you need to pee. Plus, there’s a function in your vajajay that occurs to stop you from peeing as you are getting turned on. The urethral sponge, under the vulva, swells to prevent you from going to the toilet but the sensation this gives off might tell your brain that you do in fact need to go to the loo. So it seems that sex can be confusing for all sorts of reasons.
- Your Uterus Rises
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As you get hot under the collar your body readies itself for penetrative sex. One of the many physiological changes that occur is that the uterus lifts up, thus lengthening the vaginal canal. This obviously means that there’s now enough space to stick something inside of there. This is one of the reasons why it’s important to play around before you get to the main event. According to sexologist Dr Kat Van Kirk, sex will be more uncomfortable if the uterus hasn’t yet lifted itself up inside your body.
- You Get Wet
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This is another physiological effect that needs to happen to avoid uncomfortable or painful sex. A woman needs to be all lubed up for smooth penetration. This happens as you get turned on. Blood rushes to the walls of your vagina, so much so that it causes fluid to pass through. The rush of blood is also what makes you all flushed in the cheeks and maybe on your chest and neck areas.
- You Get A Lady Wood
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Obviously a man stands to attention when he is aroused. In a way, women do too, but the signs might be less obvious. As you get aroused your vagina becomes twice as big. The area might even become firm because of all the blood rushing to it. Your nipples and clitoris become erect. Even your boobs swell up and appear bigger. So your body changes a lot more when you’re getting turned on than you may have previously thought or noticed.
- Your Pain Threshold Is Higher
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Another way in which your body responds to you becoming aroused is that you become more tolerant to pain. According to various studies, as you get aroused your pain threshold is heightened, and becomes even higher as you get towards the big O. It’s no surprise then that sex is recommended as a natural painkiller for migraines or period pain. There have even been reports of people hurting themselves during sex without realizing until after the deed was done.
- You Can Get A Headache
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So on the one hand sex is known to relieve pain. On the other hand it has also been known to cause headaches unfortunately. So-called “sex headaches” happen because of all of the excitement going on in your body as you’re getting turned on. These headaches might get worse as you’re about to climax. Usually these headaches aren’t anything you need to be worried about and are more common among people who get migraines already. But if it starts happening all of a sudden you might want to check in with the doctor.
- Your Bits Change Color
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Can you imagine if your vajayjay turned green or something every time you got turned on? That would make your horniness much more obvious, in a similar way to how you can easily tell if a guy is aroused. Anyway, that’s clearly not the case. But your labia do indeed change color when you get turned on. If you don’t have kids your lady parts are probably pinkish in color, they’ll change to a bright red as you get turned on. If you have had kids the color will shift from a bright red to purple when you’re getting excited. Again, this is because of all the blood rushing to your nether regions.
- Sometimes It’s In Your Brain, Sometimes It’s In Your Body
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Both sexes can be turned on either psychologically or physiologically. It is thought that there’s a closer link between the psychological and physiological reaction in men when they get turned on compared to women. According to research, a man’s physiological and psychological arousal correlates 70% of the time; while in women it’s less than 30% of the time. Women can be turned on mentally without her lady parts showing the signs of arousal. Similarly, your lady parts can show the physical signs of being turned on when you don’t think that you’re turned on.
- You Become More Open To Stuff
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While you’re sitting there having your morning coffee the thought of someone worshipping your feet during sex might gross you out. However, studies have shown that, in women, the feelings and desires produced by getting turned on overpower feelings of being disgusted. In other words, you’re more likely to be into doing something you might normally find strange and gross if you’re turned on. If you think about it, sex can be a bit gross in general, there’s all the smells and sweat and other fluids going on. But we’re not bothered because we’re horny AF.
- Your Brain Goes Crazy
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Loads of different parts in your brain light up when you’re getting all hot and bothered. Hormones are released that give you intense feelings. For example, dopamine is linked to motivation so it makes you really really want to get it on. Then there’s adrenaline that makes you all excited and gets your blood pumping. The hormone oxytocin is released later, during sex, and this is what gives you romantic feelings about the person you’re doing it with. So basically your brain goes wild and gives you all sorts of thrills.
- You Get Randomly Turned On
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Men get erections out of nowhere sometimes. They might be sat on a bus, in class or at the office when they just pop up to say hello. This happens to women too, the results are just less obvious. Sometimes we get aroused due to kissing and touching and dirty talk. Sometimes we start randomly thinking naughty things and get randomly turned on in inappropriate situations. It happens to all of us, men and women. Also, we can have spontaneous climaxes while we’re sleeping just as men do according to the experts.
- You Get Less And Less Excited About Your Partner The Longer You’re In A Relationship
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One study showed that a woman’s sexual desire for her partner decreases as time goes by while a man’s stay the same. The study of monogamous, heterosexual couples showed that after nine months together the woman in the relationship showed a slight drop in sexual desire each month thereafter. Some say that this contradicts the idea of women being more into monogamy than men. Others claim that it’s because women become more interested in rearing children than getting busy. However there is proof that women are still interested in sex after childbirth, so maybe they’re just not as interested in sex with their partner anymore.
- Some Women Are Constantly Turned On
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It might seem like a wonderful idea to be constantly excited. But in reality, it can’t be fun to be aroused all of the time. You’re sat there at a family dinner and you’re turned on, you’re at the cinema with your friends and turned on, you’re basically just turned on all the time. The condition is called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder or PGAD and sufferers find that their arousal can’t be contained or controlled and is spontaneous. According to experts it’s a condition that has nothing to do with sexual desire or being a nymphomaniac. It can be problematic in the sense that it’s debilitating and painful.
Sources: menshealth.com